
One year ago today, I made a decision that changed my life. I didn’t know it and couldn’t have guessed it at the time but it was truly life altering. I’ve never been that person who appeared visibly unhappy. I can put on a good face but under the surface, I don’t take it easy on myself. My standards and expectations of myself are high and I can be unrelenting in my own self-bullying when I feel like I’m not accomplishing something that I feel like I should be able to do.

One year ago today, I stumbled upon the blog of my now coach, Melanie. She looked so fit and happy and alongside that fit, happy self was a picture of her 2 years earlier looking less fit and less happy. Looking like I felt. 

After reading about her transformation, I figured I had nothing to lose. I had tried it on my own for years and always seemed to give up on myself or fail due to life getting in the way. Why not give a challenge group a try? I mean I usually just eat my way through the holidays and deal with the fall out come January but last year was different. I was sick of feeling unhappy with my body. I was sick of trying and failing. I was sick of going it alone and feeling like I was being sabotaged by all of the temptations around me in my home, at work, with my family. 

So I took a leap of faith. That decision was the best thing I could have done. For myself, for my family and for my physical and emotional health.

Here were are on the 1 year anniversary of my first challenge group. 

I am no longer that unhappy person. Yes, I do still hold myself to sometimes impossibly high standards but I’m also better able to let things go and to let myself off the hook when I need to. I realize that this is a lifestyle, not a diet so without a start and end date, I can fall down here and there and just get right back up and keep going.

Over the course of that 60 days, also I learned how to eat clean, fine-tuned my meal planning skills, and learned a ton of new recipes that actually tasted good. I also met people who I would probably never met. Amazingly strong women who like me, were also silently struggling with their bodies and spirits. Over the 60 days, we all lost weight and inches and more importantly, we kept each other accountable to ourselves. 

In that 60 days (and the 120 that followed it), I learned the value of putting myself first more often. I no longer allow myself to skip a workout. When I schedule it, I keep it come hell or high water. Sometimes that means I work out with the kids and the dog underfoot but I do it for myself. I now take better care of myself mentally and physically. I do this thanks in large part to my decision one year ago today.

Now, as a coach who is supporting my friends and family members who are trying to get healthy, I know that I was not alone. My friends are also struggling with busy work schedules. They too struggle with maintaining healthy eating habits with a busy schedule and often fall into self-preservation more which often means grabbing take-out rather than making a healthy meal. I know that others are finding themselves bemoaning the lack of time to get to the gym. I used to say the same things while sitting on the couch watching "The Biggest Loser" and wishing I could be dropped on the ranch with a trainer and no job other than to get healthy and lose weight. Mind you I did all of this while also eating a big bowl of ice cream.

That decision, one year ago, to get off my butt and take a risk was huge. I couldn't have known then that that "what do I have to lose?" decision would be life altering but it was. 

So on this anniversary of sorts for me what do I want to do? 

I want to help other people who are feeling stuck. I became a coach for that reason. I wanted to pay it forward and help other people get that transformation in body and mind that I've had. I know that my way is not the only way but it's a way and it's working. I want to support others in figuring out a way, any way that can work for them. 

If you're feeling stuck and want some help or if you're at that "what do I have to lose?" place, I'd love to help. You honestly have NOTHING TO LOSE. 

Fill out my online form.
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