Transformation Tuesday

I donā€™t often talk about my own physical transformation because it wasnā€™t as pronounced as so many of my challengers or fellow coaches. If you knew me 10 years ago, you probably wouldnā€™t have thought I needed to lose much weight. You might have even thought I was still relatively fit thanks to my college rowing background. You probably would have thought I was reasonably confident. I was somehow (thankfully) blessed with my dadā€™s cool and confident exterior. No matter whatā€™s happening under the surface, I am generally able to put together a pretty good outward face.

In spite of outward appearances, what wasnā€™t as apparent to the casual observer was that under the surface, this girl on the right was self-conscious about her body. I was that girl who watched everyone, who constantly compared myself to everyone else, who wished I was built like those ā€œskinnyā€ girls (alas, not in my genetics!) I was jealous of those people who were naturally skinny and envied those people who seemed to genuinely enjoy working out (that wasnā€™t me. I was in it for the team atmosphere.)

It wasnā€™t until after I had kids that I finally did something about it. If you knew me when I was popping out kids every 17 months you probably would have made excuses for me. I mean 3 kids in 3 years is plenty good of an excuse to fall back on. I wasnā€™t sleeping much, we were pretty much walking zombie with 3 little kids at home and in spite of what those Hollywood starlets are doing, most people I knew with little kids were also dissatisfied with their bodies but equally tired and stuck in a place of inaction.

It wasnā€™t until I went back to work after having my 3rd that I really got serious. Iā€™d retired my yoga pants and was back trying to fit into work attire and it was a reality check Iā€™d avoided for so long. Even more than the clothing not fitting was the realization that I was tired of being self-conscious all the time. I was raising 3 little kids who needed a healthy mom and a daughter who I want to see grow up feeling good about her body and what it can do. I knew that I played a huge part in all of that so I decided to make a change! There were quite a few fumbles along the way to get here and a lot of missed attempts when I was starting out because I had no idea what I was doing, I didnā€™t have any real support so whenever the going got tough, work got crazy or someone got sick, I gave up only to find myself back at the start a few weeks or months later.

2 years ago things changed. I found a workout program I love, I got hooked up with a fellow mom who like myself got fit after having kids and she taught me the ropes. With her coaching and support of a group of men and women who I met online in an accountability group, I started slowly to change my life. It definitely didnā€™t happen over night. Itā€™s taken hard work, lots of sweat, and discipline ā€“ discipline to roll out of bed at 5am to workout before the kids got up, to say no to the easy option when I know itā€™s not healthy for me and to not allow my slip ups to totally derail me like they once did.

But the work has been worth it. The girl who stands before you on the left is stronger, healthier and happier than her 20something self. She not only has 3 amazing, healthy and strong kids, but she is teaching them what it means to work hard, to make healthy choices, and to do all of that NOT because you hate your body but instead because you love it.
What's holding you back from making a change?! It's February, the month of love, right? Why not make this your month to start making a change for yourself? To start taking steps that will help you learn to love yourself? My February challenge group, Fresh Start February, is kicking off next week and I have another group at the end of the month. I'd love to help support you in your own transformation, whatever shape that takes. Fill out the application below if you'd like info or want to talk!

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