Tips for getting back on track after vacation
We just got home from 5 days in Miami with the kids and while I did get to the gym every day, the food...well, that piece could have been better. It wasn't that I was out of control but there were just far too few green veggies and a few too many Cadbury mini-eggs (my vice!)
You can bet that I finished out my day with a Shakeology and a ton of water to start flushing out my system. I knew what was coming my way the next day and the best thing I could do was hydrate!
So with our new meal plan posted in the kitchen, the fridge restocked Thursday morning, we kicked off our reintegration to being home with a round of the 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse.

What other tips and tricks can I share?
- Before you head to the store, do another clean out and get rid of any lingering temptations you may have missed pitching in the trash before you left.
- Take advantage of that empty, post-vacation fridge and when you're restocking, use this as an opportunity to restock the fridge and pantry with HEALTHY options.
- Get a meal plan in place asap (preferably before you hit the store!) with tons of healthy options, lots of veggies and clean, simple foods and get that baby posted somewhere where you can see it easily.
- Get back into the routine right away. If you workout in the morning normally, lay those clothes out and dive back in. If you have spent a week lying around basking in the sun, get moving, take a walk, take the stairs, or pop in that workout dvd and get that body in motion.
- Drink water like it's your business! Water heals all! It helps increase your energy, clear up your skin and flush the crap out of your system so drink up!
If you really need a jump start (we most definitely did!) try the 3 Day Refresh or the 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse. I've had great success with both and they're a great way to give yourself that little jumpstart you sometimes need to start off on a healthier foot. Plus it's always a nice little mental victory to light a fire in you to keep going with healthier habits.
Regardless of which path you take it may seem unlikely to make a huge difference right away but honestly, just a few days of eating more moderately WILL make a difference in your energy and mood. Even if you feel like you've gained 5 lbs in 5 days, know that realistically, any weight gain you had is more likely water retention due to eating too much salt or sugar and too few veggies. Just readjust, focus on simple healthy habits for a few days and you'll be back on track in no time. You've got this!
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