FREE 5 Day Ab/Buns Challenge

How are those resolutions to start the year off healthy and fit going? I can tell you that I used to start every Jan. 1 with big goals but very often they didn't last long. I'd fall off the wagon in week 2 or 3 and then wait until the next Monday to start again (because there's some crazy unwritten rule that you can only start a new health routine on a Monday, right?!) By month's end, I was usually back to my normal routine of intermittent workouts and trying to eat healthy, which meant lots of "low cal" or "low fat" foods and Diet Coke...the picture of healthy eating, right? I had no idea what I was doing and didn't have the motivation or support to really make my New Year's Resolutions stick past the month.

Well, if you're in much the same place, you're definitely NOT alone and I want to help!

My team has put our heads together to create an awesome little 5 day FREE group to help you get yourself moving in the direction you want to be. We're giving you a FREE week of mentoring through a closed FB group to get you on track and feeling motivated. If youā€™ve slacked off on your resolution already, are readying for a beach vacation or even just want those jeans to fit a little better, we can help!
For 5 days, weā€™ll give you the same support and accountability that we give our challengers. Weā€™ll give you some great ab & booty exercises you can do anywhere (home or gym) and weā€™ll get you on the way to lifting and tightening so you can rock your skinny jeans this winter! 

Best deal of all??? You get 24 hour access to us to ask any questions you have to help you get the results you want.

You DO NOT have to be local. This group is for anyone, doesn't matter your level of fitness. If you need help with nutrition, fitness and/or a little motivation, we're here to help.

Join us! You have nothing to lose except maybe some unwanted fat! We start February 7th so just shoot me an email or fill out the application and weā€™ll get you added. Please invite anyone who you think might also like the support. Spots are limited so don't wait!


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