Back on Track with a Free 7 Day Eat Clean Group

This week is all about staying focused, eating cleanly and staying off the sugar. Last week's sugar detox was sooooo worth it. I needed to get the crap out of my system after letting loose a little too much with my nutrition on vacation. It happens to us all so there's no shame or blame happening here. I enjoyed myself over vacation, I got my fix (and more!) of my beloved Cadbury mini eggs and then it was back to business when we got home.  

After the 3 day Shakeology cleanse, both Andrew and I are feeling light years better. I didn't ask him to hop on the scale but I know that I'm down 6.5 lbs since Thursday morning which feels awesome. I generally don't put much weight into the scale, especially since when you're doing a program like Hammer & Chisel, which is an entirely weights-based program, you learn to be less dependent on the scale for your progress checks. Instead, I try to measure my gains off of how my clothes feel and how my body feels. After 5 days of less focused eating, fewer green veggies and a heck of a lot of sugar, I was FEELING crummy. 3 days of healthier eating, no sugar, no processed junk, tons of water and being strict with following my plan naturally meant losses on the scale and a big boost in my energy. 

Looking ahead to this week, my goal is to maintain that momentum and healthy feeling.  I spent time today planning my menu, prepping healthy food for the week for the whole family and I'm ready to go this week.
It is hard for me to explain how drastically different I FEEL when I am eating clean, fueling my body with Shakeology every day and exercising regularly. That feeling is a powerful motivator to me to keep making healthy choices.

I'm also psyched to kick off tomorrow with my FREE 7 day Eat Clean group. There's just something about being a part of a group that makes it so much easier to stay on track and do the thing that is hard.

So what's this group all about? Simple! It's a 7 day closed Facebook group where I provide a full meal plan, recipe and grocery list (with options to choose from to fit your tastes). Over the course of the next week, I'll post daily clean eating tips, motivation, and folks will be surrounded by a group of people who are also ready to make a change for the healthier this week. 

So far today I've been loving seeing everyone post pictures of their healthy groceries, their food prep for the week and the pantry clean outs that are happening as they ready to start this journey with me this week. I'm excited to support them this week and beyond!

If you're interested in checking out a group setting and have wondered what this whole accountability group thing is all about or if you are interested in a jump start to some healthier habits, you should join us! We start tomorrow so no time like the present! Fill out the info form below or email me and we'll get you hooked up and ready to go for this week!

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