How to fit exercise into a busy schedule

The days are getting shorter, the weather's getting colder and the clothes are getting heavier and less revealing. What does all of this mean? For many people it means that they sleep a little later, eat more (can you say cider donuts?!) and push off any thoughts of weight loss or working out until it comes time to write New Years resolutions. 

I get asked a lot how I managed to fit in working out while working a full-time job and managing the madness that is 3 kids. The answer is for years I didn't. Or at least I didn't in a consistent manner. I'd go through waves of being committed to eating healthy and working out regularly but then someone would get sick or work would get particularly hectic and I'd taper off with the workouts until I got finally sick of feeling gross in my own skin and motivated to do something about it. 

Honestly, I manage to fit it in because I choose to do so. I workout every day because it helps me stay sane and balanced. It also helps me feel good in my clothes and my skin, which is a huge motivator to stick with it. 

I appreciate that we all have busy schedules and sometimes it seems like it's impossible to find the time in the day. Like I'm sure is the case for many, my time is limited. Much of my day is devoted to taking care of other people. My students & colleagues get me during the day. When I come home, my kids need me to play, help with homework, make dinner, etc.. When they're in bed, I get a little bit of downtime but that's time when Andrew and I catch up. You find the time when you can, right? I choose to work out in the morning before everyone in my house is up. It's my time and honestly, once I got past the pain of the early alarm, I've come to cherish it. It's quiet, there are no little people pestering me, no dog underfoot, no distractions. Plus I love the feeling of accomplishment I feel having gotten in a kick butt workout before most people are even awake. :) I realize morning workouts aren't for everyone though. 

Morning person or not, here are my tips for getting your butt in gear this fall:

1. Make a plan and put it in writing. You are more likely to do it if you put it in writing. Schedule your workout just like you would an appointment and be stubborn - DO NOT CANCEL on yourself. I'm a list maker, a trait I got from my mother who writes things on her to-do list simply for the satisfaction of being able to cross it off once she's done it. Today, I schedule my workouts on my calendar and physically check them off my calendar when they're done. There's just something so satisfying about checking them off...I'm clearly my mother's daughter.

2. Find a workout you like and want to do. This may seem like a given but honestly, it makes all the difference. If you hate running (as I do), then adopting that as your primary workout doesn't make much sense. It may be cheap but if you hate it, you're less apt to stick with it in the long run. In this fitness-crazed world we currently live in there are a million options to fit every interest. Find something that speaks to you and fits your fitness goals. Experiment until you find something you like. For me, there's nothing like a kick butt cardio workout or  good weight lifting session but it's not for everyone. Do what you love and if you need some help figuring out what that is, I'd love to help.

3. Just do it. Nike said it best. Don't think about, just do it. This is one of the perks of an early morning workout. I used to spend my afternoon psychologically trying to build myself up to workout and coming up with a million reasons not to workout. Now I get up and workout before the sun. For me, this is the best way to motivate. I don't give myself time to think about it - I'm literally standing in the bathroom brushing my teeth before my body has time to say "Wait. Why are we up?" Regardless of what time you fit that workout in, make it happen.

4. Do something, anything and realize that something is better than nothing. I was always someone who would only workout if the conditions were perfect. If I didn't have an hour to commit to working out, I convinced myself that it wasn't worth it. Years of team sports where practice was an 2 hours long conditioned me to think that anything less than an hour was worthless. This is so far from the truth. Anything is better than nothing. It took years for me to acknowledge that I'm busier than I was in college. I don't have 2 hours a day to devote to a workout and frankly, I don't want to spend 2 hours working out any more, nor do I really need to in order to get the burn I need to stay healthy. Go easy on yourself. If you can only squeeze in a 15 minute workout, do a 15 minute workout. If life gets busy and your planned morning workout doesn't happen, take a walk at lunch, squeeze in a yoga class after work, or pop in a 30 minute dvd at home while the kids are asleep. Something is better than nothing - really!

5. Track your workouts and reward yourself for sticking to them.  I log my workouts through MyFitnessPal - there's something rewarding about seeing it in print (plus it helps me see the calories I'm burning!) If you need more than the mental pat on the back though, create a reward system for yourself. If you workout every day for a week, treat yourself to a manicure. If you make it through a month of working out consistently, reward yourself with dinner out with a friend or a new pair of sneakers. Whatever floats your boat and gives you that incentive to stick with it.

6. Find a fitness buddy, accountability partner, or like-minded friend to make working out more fun. It's far easier to motivate with company so find some! Instead of meeting a friend for dinner, go for a walk or take a yoga class together. Or if you're that person who just can't drag your butt out of bed in the morning and that's the only time you have to work out, find a partner in crime. Either meet a friend for a run before work or a text buddy to send you an early morning get your butt out of bed text. If you need one, I'm up early and am always game for an early wake up call! ;)

7. Set yourself up for success - be workout ready! I workout at 4:45 AM which means for me, time is of the essence. Who wants to be up any earlier than they need to be at that hour?! To save time, I sleep in my workout clothes and lay out the rest of my gear next to the bathroom sink. Literally all I have to do when I roll out of bed is put on my sports bra, socks and sneakers and I'm ready to go. If mornings aren't your thing, pack your gym bag the night before. Make sure you have what you need to have a successful workout (clothes, sneakers, headphones, a small snack and water bottle.) If you have the best of intentions to make it to the gym after work but seem to get derailed by stopping at home first, skip that step and keep a fully loaded gym bag in your trunk so you have no excuses. 

8. Set goals, crush those goals and make new ones. There's no better motivator than working towards a goal. If you're the kind of person who needs a looming race deadline to push yourself, sign up for a 5 or 10k. If you have a beach vacation or high school reunion in your near future, think about what you want to have accomplished by that date. Goals are a powerful motivator. Just realize that once you've met and surpassed those goals, you need to look ahead and set yourself some new goals. 

If you're looking for support in reaching your goals or aren't really sure where to start, I'd love to help you. Fill out the application below for more info and I'll be in touch:

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