21 Day Busy Mom's Challenge

As those of you who are moms know, it's hard to find the time in the day for yourself. We're all busy, not just parents, but as a parent one of my biggest struggles has been figuring out how to do all that I need to do to take care of my family's needs while not completely sacrificing my own. I am much better at that now than I used to be but I do still find myself out of balance every once in a while. 

It's hard to find the time to fit exercise into a busy schedule. As an athlete in high school and college, sports were a regularly scheduled part of my day. I didn't have to think about it - it was an accepted part of my life and routine. Once I graduated from college though, I struggled to figure out a way to keep that same commitment to fitness. A huge part of exercise for me was social and I didn't get that at the gym. I also lacked the motivation to really make a go of it with a home workout program, and I had no idea where to start. So I floundered. Add to that the fact that my metabolism was changing and slowing as I got older and exercise became more important but all the more of a struggle. Add kids to that mix (3 in 3 years no less) and the situation was getting dire. I tried. Honestly. I committed every summer when I was home on school vacation to make a better go of it this year and I always did but that routine of healthy eating and exercise fell to the wayside the second I hit a bump in the road (sick kid, stressful week at work, birthday or family party, dinner out with friends, etc... you get the idea.) Anything really was able to be that bump that knocked me off track.

I knew I needed to work out. I knew I should be eating healthier. And I tried to do it on my own and some times I was successful but never for the long haul. I now know that the problem was that it was always a diet or a phase that I went through. I was never able to make it truly a sustainable lifestyle change so instead I'd make my best go of it for as long as I could and then I'd start slipping back into my old habits.

Not only was this frustrating but it was also totally defeating. I mean how many times can you try something and fail? Fortunately, it was in this frustrated place that I finally stumbled across my coach, Melanie's, website and decided to give a challenge group a try. I mean I'd tried everything else so I figured why not give it a try? Thankfully, the millionth time was a charm. 

She taught me about clean eating (think sustainable, healthier eating habits followed 80% of the time and mindful, moderate eating habits applied in the other 20%), helped me to make exercise a regular part of my day, and gave me the support and accountability I needed to stick with it. Members of the group came from all walks of life, ages, genders but we were all there for the same reason - to make a change for the better in our health and fitness. 

So what does all of this have to do with the here and now? Well, I want to help you figure out how to make it stick. 

Moms, we have a unique challenge not only in carving out the time for ourselves but also figuring out how to make these changes work for our families. Many of us have fallen off of the fitness wagon (or we were never really on it but finding that post-baby that's no longer really a viable option!) and need that jump-start to get back in there.

As moms, we spend most of our time taking care of others. This doesn't leave a lot of space for ourselves or for our own physical and emotional needs. My goal is for you to spend the next 21 days working on making yourself a priority for 30 minutes a day. We'll talk about how to do that and work through the bumps that come with balancing ourselves with our families' needs. 

What are the details?

  • 30 minute workouts (you choose from 3 program options - 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, or Insanity Max 30 - all are a combo of fitness program and meal/portion control system)
  • weeknight & family friendly recipes
  • healthy snack ideas & tips for moms and kids
  • time management tips
  • one-on-one coach and group support

If you've been thinking about a challenge group but have been scared of the commitment or uncertain if you can really make fitness a part of your life right now, this is the perfect way to get your feet wet. 21 days - you can do anything for 21 days!

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