Still here. Still kicking!

We're 4 weeks into kitchen overhaul and I'm proud to say that our grill is still getting quite a workout! We're seeing great progress in the kitchen and the end is almost in sight and let me tell you, I'll be ready to get back to oven and stovetop cooking when it's done. It's crazy the little things you crave when you can't have them. For me it's scrambled eggs, sauteed zoodles and baked goods. I think my kids are muffin-deprived because we always have something in the house to grab. They're making due though and thank heavens for summer fruit!

Our gutted kitchen complete with gaping floorboards.
Our current state - new floor, plaster, paint and cabinetry!
So this week we went simple with our meal plan since it's pretty freakin' hot and I'm also running around like crazy juggling contractors, taking one kid to camp, and trying to pack for a trip later this week. With that said, we're still trying out 2 new grill recipes. The Korean chicken recipe we had on Sunday night and I'll share in a bit because it was delish but no time for that one now. Soon though, soon!

Here's our menu for this week, simple as it is:

Sometimes I find when you're tired, hot or just not feeling like cooking, going easy on yourself and repeating some meals is the best thing for you. No need to shoot for the moon and feel like you missed!

This has been what a lot of my meals look like lately, easy and delicious:

I'm flying out to Nashville tomorrow to Beachbody's annual Coach Summit so I'll be winging my meals a bit there but bringing tons of healthy snacks with me to make sure I'm staying fueled even while on the road!


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