Make a fresh start in February

When I started this journey I was unhappy. In theory, I should have been completely satisfied with my life because on the surface I had it all – 3 healthy kids, a husband who loves me, an amazing home and a job that is truly my dream job. I was scared to admit out loud for fear that I would seem nuts but even with all of that, I was missing something. I LOVED those pieces of my life but at the same time, I was also lonely, tired, stressed and unhappy

Looking back now, I was going through the motions a lot more often than I was truly slowing down and celebrating it. Now that I’m on the other side of that I realize that so much of that sense of loneliness and discontent was that I wasn’t in a place where I was happy with myself. I running myself ragged trying to be there for everyone else and in the process had put myself last. No one in my life was encouraging that but it just kind of happened. When you’re a mom of 3 little kids, it just seems natural to do FOR them. As a teacher, my job is to help nurture my students and again, to do things FOR them. Andrew was in the same boat and together we both were like hamsters on a wheel, getting through the day and crashing into bed exhausted every night.

When I started, I was too tired and out of balance to be able to figure out how to make a change. I couldn’t figure out how I could fit in a 30-minute workout every day. I needed the support and accountability to give me that kick in the butt to make it happen on those days when the kids hadn’t slept. The idea of not only planning out 7 days of meals in advance, let alone spending time I didn’t feel like I had on the weekend to prep snacks or meals for the week seemed untenable.

Fast forward 2 years and things are different in a lot of ways. I definitely can’t say that I have it all figured out but what I’ve learned is this:
  • It is possible to find 25-30 minutes in my day to workout AND I’m a better person, mom, teacher, self when I do it.
  • Meal planning and spending a little time prepping ahead of time is a LIFESAVER when you’re a busy person. Seriously. It’s been a game changer.
  • Support and accountability work. It is WAY too easy to make excuses, to talk myself out of a workout or out of ordering takeout when I’m tired after a long day. When you are part of a group who’s also doing their best to make healthier choices AND when you promise to check in with them and support them, you’re MUCH more apt to stay the course than give in to excuses and temptations.
  • My coach was the mentor that I needed. She was my Yoda. She’d been there and done that. Like me, she also had little kids so she got the sleep deprivation. Like me, she had juggled the work/life balance and was figuring out how to fit fitness into that mess. As a food lover, the fact that she’d figured out how to make unhealthy meals clean so that she could still eat the foods that she loved was super helpful. And she taught me her tips and tricks and together we figured out strategies that worked for me. 
  • Crazy as it may have once seemed to me, getting healthy brings balance. Even though I added something to my plate, that something helped to make all of the other things on my plate feel more manageable. And as an added perk, it brought so many awesome, supportive, healthy people into my life who are now on this journey with me. Who knew getting healthy physically would yield emotional benefits too?!

So here I am 2 years into my journey and I have to here to offer you the same opportunity. I’m kicking off my next accountability group this week and I would love to have you in it. I’m keeping this group small because I want to make sure you get the support you need. I have 5 more spots. Are you ready to make February your month to make a change, to reboot your routine and to set some healthier goals for the year? Fill out the application now to get into this group before it’s full! 


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