Getting Fit for Fall

September is here and with it new routines, activities and the general craziness of fall. Everyone in our house survived the first week of school and emerged from the other side a little tired and frazzled. I know it'll get easier once the kids adjust to the homework, after-school sports and start getting used to the earlier bedtime. It'll also be easier once I get used to getting up early and get my mind and body back into the routine again but in the meantime it's exhausting! 

What's helping and will continue to help me is to continue to take care of myself. It's easy for me to do in the summer months when I'm home with the kids and can do my workout at 10am, when I can go to bed at 8pm or stay up to midnight reading a book with no cost in the morning. It gets harder to maintain that commitment to myself though in the fall and winter months when I have a stack of essays to grade, little kid math homework to help with, and dinner to cook to the tune of 3 hungry and whiny kids begging to eat now. Getting to bed at a reasonable hour often goes out of the window and in years past, so did my workouts. What it's taken me a long time to realize is that taking care of myself isn't really optional. I'm a healthier, happier, more balanced person when I make the time and take the time to take care of myself. Although it may sound like just one more thing to fit in, getting in my time every morning to workout before school, making sure I plan our meals and have good healthy food on hand to snack on really do pay dividends in my own well-being and the well-being of my family. I'm a better and happier mom and partner when I do those things.

So what that means for me in this crazy busy time of the year is spending time on the weekend to plan my snacks and meals for the week ahead so I don't have to do any thinking during the week. The last thing I want to be doing is walking in the door at 5pm with 3 starving kids and trying to figure out what to eat with what's in the fridge!

I do what I can to make sure I'm eating healthy, getting a good balance of foods in my diet and I have to keep reminding myself to make sure I'm drinking enough water every day. Honestly, I consider it a success that we ate 4 nights of good, healthy meals this week. I did not cave and eat all of the cookies in the pantry (although there was a mid-week moment of weakness when Little A. and I made my favorite banana oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and I overdid it with 4 cookies) or blow through the 6 1/2 gallons of ice cream we have sitting in our freezer (yes, there really are 6. What can I say? We're ice cream people.)

What's also helping keep me on track is my challengers. Knowing how hard they're all working to get fit, learn and develop new, healthier and sustainable habits is helping me to stay on track myself. I'm so proud of the hard work they're doing and I'm so excited about the positive changes they're reporting in their energy, waistlines and overall fitness. It's inspiring me to work hard with them. 

Now that we're back to the craziness of fall, I'm excited to kick off another challenge group to get fit for fall. I want to help you stay accountable, teach you how to keep it simple, how to feel better, have more energy, and reach your own health and fitness goals. If you've ever considered joining a challenge group, now is the time. Together let's start the school year off on the right foot!

Fill out the application below to be considered for the group. Limited availability so first come first served!!! Are you in?

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