The power of positive thought
Can we be honest for a second here? As I was washing up this morning, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and I was struck by the wave of thoughts that went through my mind. The mirror, like my scale and I, have had a tumultuous history. We've spent untold hours together, but the relationship hasn't always been a positive one. We've battled, we've called a stalemate, and we've even on more a rare occasion, been allies and friends.
Today, as I glanced at my reflection, I was proud. Yes, I saw the little imperfections - the way that my love handles or my belly still catch around my pant-line and the still puckered skin under my belly button from carrying 3 babies to term that won't go away no matter how much I lose or tighten or crunch - but I also saw the hint of abs peeking through on the sides of my stomach and the booty that I've done a million squats and weighted lunges and deadlifts to get.
That negative loop was once the only narrative I had - it was comfortable if not comforting. It was also what left me feeling frustrated and stuck in this body that never looked the way I wanted BEFORE having kids and most certainly didn't look the way I wanted AFTER having 3 of them. That negative narrative did nothing for me other than let me down but I let it keep going for years. It didn't go away over night. It's taken me 2 years, countless workouts and meals and a lot of personal development to realize that I control the narrative. My own coach, my fellow coaches and my challengers and friends all have helped create a community of strong, motivated women who lean on each other for support and who build each other up rather than tearing ourselves or one another down. That may seem trivial to mention but how many of you can you say that you're actively participating in a community like that on a daily basis?
How many times have you caught yourself looking at your reflection feeling with annoyance, sadness, frustration, or negativity? How many times have you:
I'd bet more than a handful have done one or all of these things and you're not alone. We have on average anywhere between 40,000-60,000 negative thoughts a day! That's one thought per second in every waking hour! That's crazy. No wonder it's hard to get out of our heads!
* stood in front of the mirror and sucked it in?
* messed with your shirt so it didn't bunch or pull in a way that called attention to your stomach?
* fiddled with the waistline on your pants so they didn't pinch or pucker or accentuate your love handles or the dreaded mom belly?
I'd bet more than a handful have done one or all of these things and you're not alone. We have on average anywhere between 40,000-60,000 negative thoughts a day! That's one thought per second in every waking hour! That's crazy. No wonder it's hard to get out of our heads!

While I don't have rock hard abs or smooth hips, I can see and FEEL the progress I have made over where I was when I started 2 years ago.
Once, not too long ago, that glimpse of my reflection would have sent me immediately to the negative. I would have only seen the rolls, the pucker and the imperfections. Those imperfections would have ballooned into an inner narrative which negated any of my efforts or work in the gym and in the kitchen. They would have been carried with me throughout my day starting from the moment I struggled to pick out an outfit that fit and that felt good on, all the way up until bedtime when I found myself standing in front of the closet mirror staring back at my now pajama'd figure.
While some days that negative narrative still jumps to the forefront, I now see it and work at harnessing it for good rather than evil. I can switch those thoughts around and let myself see the positive changes that I've already made and the changes that are still to come. And on the days when I struggle to do that for myself, my coaches and challengers model it for me and cheer me on until I'm able to see the strength and positivity in myself.
I may not be perfect but I'm not striving for perfect. I'm striving for balanced, strong, healthy, fun, connected, and positive. I know this journey is just getting started and it doesn't have an end point. Instead, I'm going to keep working on this body, this mind and fostering a community of positive peer support this month, next month and beyond.. Starting April 25th, I'm going to be spending 30 days getting Summer Strong with a rock star group of men & women and I'd love it if you want to join us. Why not join us and keep that that inner narrative working FOR you this month? Fill out the info request below and I can get you more info.
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