I'm baaaack!

Well the holiday madness is almost behind us and I'm setting my sights forward.

Yes, I have eaten things that I wouldn't normally eat over the past few days. My dad makes a mean appetizer spread (can you say CHEESE and PROSCIUTTO?!) I did eat more than my fair share of Honey Baked Ham yesterday and it was so worth it. I work hard in my workouts and I stayed on track with my eating the rest of the week so I felt no guilt yesterday when I downed that piece of apple pie.

Yes, we did have a food-themed holiday this year. In addition to all of the delicious treats at my parents' house yesterday and the peanut noodles and fried zucchini experiment Andrew made when his parents were here on Christmas Eve, Parker got a bacon calendar, bacon bowl and 4 lbs of bacon and Hayden got filet mignon from my folks for Christmas. So yes, there's been a LOT of food happening here.

With that being said, as my family joked with me about my discipline, my workout posts, and even my workout themed Christmas gifts, I smiled, laughed with them and enjoyed a delicious meal.
Yes, I love my new workout flooring!

What was different this year than in past years is that I actually worked out all week leading up to Christmas and even got my workout in Xmas Eve and Xmas Day. And I'm about to get off my butt to push play on Friday Fight. I need to given the number of treats that are still in my house and the fact that my kids and I are home for the next week and my beloved routine is a bit out of whack!

So what's the game plan moving forward? 

Workouts are a must. Andrew and I are both committed to working out 6 days a week for the next week (and beyond.) For him that means running (and as we speak he's at work testing out his new Beats wireless headphones while running on the treadmill) and for me, day 5, week 2 of Insanity Max 30 - Friday Fight!
I tell my challengers to throw out the temptations which I'm about to do. The Christmas cookies can stay since the kids love them and sugar cookies have never been my thing. What's gotta go? The darned chocolate sampler that Andrew brought home from work. After 3 caramel cremes this morning as my pre-workout snack (!?) I know it's gotta go.
Back to clean eating. After I clean the pantry out, I'm packing my snacks for the day, throwing some Chinese beef and bok choy in the crockpot for dinner and making my Shakeology for breakfast.
Yes, we're facing a weekend.

Yes, I could use vacation as an excuse to eat my way through the day but I'm not going to do that. Instead, I'm treating it as a week to get myself back on track - a whole week of sleeping a bit more than usual and enjoying the extra time to make healthy meals without the stress of a busy work week. So there you have it. I'm going to make the most of my vacation!
Merry Christmas from the 4 smiling Shens, our puppy-bomber
& the outlier (not surprising in the least if you know Parker!)
If you're interested in setting yourself up for a healthier New Year and want some support in making that happen, reach out. I'd love to help you figure out a game plan for your health in the new year.
My next accountability group starts January 5th and I'd love to have you in it!

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