FREE 7-Day Reboot Group

Did you get off track this week or this past month? 

We were vacationing last week and while I did get to the gym every day, I also indulged in ice cream every day too. Add the week of ice cream to 2 weeks of not meal planning before vacation, Hayden's birthday, 4 days in Nashville and a few too many takeout nights and you're left with a more bloated, less well defined me that's up 5 lbs on the scale since school got out. Blah! NOT what I wanted to see happen, especially over the summer months, but it's reality. 

I've been working out consistently but but when I don't plan my meals and stay on top of my nutrition, I see it in the scale and in my middle. They say 80% of your results come from the kitchen, right? 

I would imagine that I'm not alone in how my July shaped up. Have you fallen off the wagon a bit, had a few too many nights of take-out, visited DQ so often that they now greet you by name, found yourself throwing out a drawer full of formerly fresh veggies you bought but never ate, paid for a gym membership that you’re not using, or slept through your alarm skipping your workout more times than you can count? Ummmm, yes to at least one of those.

Well, what's done is done. It’s in the past and I'm choosing to set my sights on the week ahead, the month ahead.

What matters from here on out is what you do moving forward. 
The choices you make over the next 7 days CAN and will make a difference in your energy, how you feel in your clothes, and even more so in setting the tone for your habits for the month ahead. So today let’s stop looking back, and instead look ahead.

Why not join me for a FREE 7-day reboot group? 

  • You choose your workout
  • I’ll provide the daily motivation, tips and tricks, and a free clean eating meal plan if you’d like some ideas. 

So dust off that workout program you haven’t used, break back out that dusty gym membership ID, lace up those sneakers, or break back out that bike and together let’s commit to getting back on track for August. 

Who’s in? Shoot me a message or email or click "JOIN" on the Facebook event and I'll get you added to the group page!


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