Gearing up for another round of Whole30
Some might think we're a little nuts trying to tackle another Whole30 in September when we're crazy busy with settling back into school, the kids in 5 sports between the 3 of them and with all of that yummy Halloween candy already gracing the shelves. I'm trying to look at it as being all the MORE reason to do it now.
After a summer foraging and grilling as much as humanly possible while riding out a full kitchen remodel, we entered fall ready to jump back into our "normal" eating with our new kitchen. For me that wasn't all that different from my summer eating but ahhh, the baked goods. After 3 months with no oven, I might have made a few too many cookies and muffins in my zeal for my reclaimed oven. Andrew's also feeling icky and ready for a little detox. Add to that my sugar addiction and the fact that I've already succumbed to more than one bag of candy corn for far and it's still Sept. so right there you have plenty of good reasons to jump into another Whole30.
If you're not familiar with Whole30 what it is is basically a detox. Some people might call it a diet but I hate that word. Diet to me means some kind of crazy, unsustainable eating plan that you do for a month or a few weeks and then abandon to go back to your usual eating habits only to get back on the diet when you feel gross again. That's not the way I try to operate. Instead, this is kind of a reset for your guy, your tastebuds and your brain. The idea is that by eliminating certain specific foods for 30 days and eating whole, unprocessed foods, your body and your mind heal and you're in a better place moving forward.
So for the next 30 days, we'll be eating tons of lean meat, unlimited amounts of veggies, some fruit and nuts, and tons of healthy fats. We won't be eating any grains, sugar (even natural suga like honey), dairy, processed foods, or alcohol.
We did our first Whole30 back in March and not only did I lose a lot of the bloat I was feeling after winter but Andrew, my reluctant healthy eater lost 20+ lbs and has kept most of it off through clean eating and a better handle on his portions and what's healthy and not. While, I'm not going to lie, it was definitely hard, we were both so glad that we did it.
If you've been thinking about it or wondering what to do to get yourself eating healthier, to ditch the sugar or even if you're trying to figure out how to get a handle on any inflammatory or auto-immune disorders like arthritis, IBS, Chrone's disease, Lupus, etc., I can't encourage you enough to give Whole30 a try. Unlike most cleanses or quick fixes, 30 days is long enough to really help you develop new habits and change your taste buds.
If you're still on the fence, check out the results of our first Whole30 here or follow along as we take on round 2!
Here's this week's eating round up:

So for the next 30 days, we'll be eating tons of lean meat, unlimited amounts of veggies, some fruit and nuts, and tons of healthy fats. We won't be eating any grains, sugar (even natural suga like honey), dairy, processed foods, or alcohol.
Sounds like a barrel of fun, right?
We did our first Whole30 back in March and not only did I lose a lot of the bloat I was feeling after winter but Andrew, my reluctant healthy eater lost 20+ lbs and has kept most of it off through clean eating and a better handle on his portions and what's healthy and not. While, I'm not going to lie, it was definitely hard, we were both so glad that we did it.
If you've been thinking about it or wondering what to do to get yourself eating healthier, to ditch the sugar or even if you're trying to figure out how to get a handle on any inflammatory or auto-immune disorders like arthritis, IBS, Chrone's disease, Lupus, etc., I can't encourage you enough to give Whole30 a try. Unlike most cleanses or quick fixes, 30 days is long enough to really help you develop new habits and change your taste buds.
If you're still on the fence, check out the results of our first Whole30 here or follow along as we take on round 2!
Here's this week's eating round up:
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