I lift because...I can be a superhero

We've all heard the old caution to women not to lift because they'll get big, muscular, or too masculine looking. I heard it last summer from several people when I told them I was about to start doing a program called Body Beast. If you haven't heard of it, this is the trainer:  

I'll admit it, when I first decided I wanted to give Beast a try, I too was a little nervous about what it would do to my body. I mean you look at the cover and see Sagi and you've got to wonder. While Sagi is by far WAY more cut and jacked than any of the guys in the videos with him, he alone is pretty damn intimidating. Add in the fact that it's called Body BEAST and you have a recipe for a program that at first glance might scare off most women. 

MOST women. Not this gal. 

I pride myself on being both dedicated and determined. Two qualities that are probably exceedingly annoying for my husband and friends a lot of the time but thankfully, they are also qualities which lend themselves well to my own fitness, coaching, teaching and parenting. So I ignored the fact that Beast seemed to be pitched to men and decided what the heck? Why not give it a go?

I've now done 2 rounds of Beast and am gearing up for round 3 this summer. 

What should  you know about Body Beast?

1. It is NOT only for men. Listening to Sagi in an interview last week, he admits that while that may have been his initial target audience, what he quickly learned was that women love Beast and women often get better, more noticeable results from the program than men. 

Contrary to popular belief, lifting weights does NOT make you bulky. In fact, it's really challenging for a woman to actually get that physique. It takes a lot of work, many supplements and a lot of sacrifice. You will NOT look like a beast after doing this program. Bulky is a look that some women might be going for but not this girl. I want to be lean, toned and FEEL strong and Beast gives me that. 

2. Yes, the trainer is a beefy man and the men in the video with him are not exactly twigs themselves but it doesn't really matter. Sagi may lift 45 lb dumbells on his bicep curls but I feel pretty solid with my 12 pounders (and even better when I see the 2 strong guys in the back lifting with 15s!) It's not about keeping up with them on the lbs. What matter is good form and that you are progressively increasing your weight set to set and week to week as your body/mind allow.

3. Weight lifting is just as, if not more effective at burning calories as cardio and with far less strain on your joints. Plus when you lift, your body keeps burning long after you finish your workout so not only are you getting a good workout in the moment but those results keep going in the hours after.

4. There's an amazing closed Facebook group devoted exclusively to women who are doing Body Beast. This dedicated, knowledgeable group of 5,000 women help support each other, answer questions about Body Beast, share workout pictures, nutrition tips, and life with one another. 

Why should you join me and try out Body Beast?

Why not?!? Seriously. What do you have to lose? Nothing.

It's summer. Who DOESN'T want to get more toned, lean out a little and be able to strut your stuff a little bit more confidently at the beach? Bring on the muscle definition, fat loss, confidence, and a little swagger.

Why wouldn't you want to be lean, chiseled, and not have to jump up and down a lot to get there? 

Maybe it's my old lady body, but I'm finding that I just can't take the wear and tear of crazy jumping routines in the same way that I used to. Yes, I do still love Insanity Max 30 and I do plan on adding in the occasional extra cardio workout here and there this summer because some days you just need to burn off some steam with a good cardio sweat session (especially when you're home all day with the kids!) But the majority of the time I'll be lifting. 

If you're going to try something new and push yourself outside of your comfort zone, why not do it with the support of a super cool, motivated group of women? Yes, I mean me and my awesome challengers. We've got a great group of women who've all agreed to give this program a try. Together we'll work through a prep week and along the way, talk about equipment, good form, figure out the "Book of Beast" that comes with the program and figure out how to customize it for a woman. 

If that's not a selling point enough as it is, just think, this is a workout that not only puts very little strain on your joints but it ALSO allows you to eat MORE CALORIES, not less. Yup, eat more to lose more. That's my kind of program! 

If you're game to join us and Beast Up I'd love to have you in the group. Fill out the application below for more info or just to chat more.

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