Sweet Potato Chips

I’m constantly looking for ways to mix up my sweet potatoes. Don’t get me wrong, I love a baked sweet potato but variety is the spice of life, right?

Sweet Potato Chips

2 sweet potatoes
1 Tbls olive oil
Spices – I mix it up depending on my mood. Either cinnamon & Truvia, garlic powder, chili powder, salt seasoning, etc.

1.     Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2.     Peel sweet potatoes.
3.     Slice thinly or if you have a mandolin like we do, slice them on the thin-medium setting (being careful not to slice off your fingers!)
4.     Toss slice potatoes with olive oil and seasoning of choice.
5.     Spread on baking sheet. Cook for approximately 30 minutes.

6.     If eating for a snack, I portion the cooked sweet potatoes out into 4 small tuperwares (the equivalent of ½ of a cooked sweet potato.)


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